learn how to unicylce! takes about two weeks. no shit, should take your mind off things, and when you come back, you'll have a fresh start!
I dont heart huckabees
Age 32, Male
Ass Kicker (PHD)
The Place with the snow
Joined on 7/16/09
learn how to unicylce! takes about two weeks. no shit, should take your mind off things, and when you come back, you'll have a fresh start!
thats not a half bad idea actually. I think my school has some unicycles too :D
play bunches of different video games on different systems, so you can see different styles of art and animation. Always works for me
I finally got my ps3 working again (the damn controller broke) so I may start playing some MOD 2 or somethin :D
Do what i do when im in depresion shove a pineapple up your ass :)
wait, so are u the kid from Greatest Freakout Ever? :D
WTF?...geelee has some issues...
his mom cancelled his WOW account :D
Get a yoyo and learn it.
That impresses the ladies :D
You can't play TF2 and need a new hobby. It's improbable.
your new hobby should be...
extreme lampshading.
Thats hardcore :D
Gay sex
Banana :D
i agree with unicycling ^^^^
also try and do rough outlines of the animation to keep the proportions correct until you try to do all the finished linework
its strange because the outlines do a good job of that in my opinion. Though i think the problem might be the hair, I probably hafta outline it too, or get a simpler hairstyle :D
but I sold my wii D:
We talked about this.
Keep petitioning for the Nuke the Moon campaign. We're almost there, damn it!
Screw the moon.
That asshole sun has it comming for threatening to eat everyone >:(
try sound mixing or voice acting. they are fun ;)
Sculpting also fun
I do wanna get into voice acting. I do it for myself in my movies, but I dont think they do me justice. As for soundmixing, Ive tried before, but I dont have creative knack for the learning curve at them moment. I kinda wanna do something stupid, then get back into creative mode :D
go get you some!
sooooooooo....................i herd u liek mudkipz :D
go get you some! thats guaranteed to make you MUCH better at animating!
mudkipz r ossim :D
Stand up comedy
Cottage-cheese snorting.
arent those the same thing? :D
guerilla gardening is fun
but probably wont help you animate better